Falling off the wagon….and getting back on

Falling off the wagon….and getting back on

Blog, Martin's fat to fit journal
Hi Guys Been three weeks since I last posted and before I signed off I was determined to come back under 25st. I don't think come weigh in tonight that will be the case. See the problem is, I kinda fell off the wagon and let myself down in terms of my diet. It's been abysmal, the week before we jetted off it was takeaway city as didn't wanna buy food that could go to waste (silly, you betcha), plus I was away with work and in holiday mode there as well thinking I had 3 weeks to burn it off (again not one of my brighter ideas). The good thing now though is I have had my blow out, I've ate and drank what I wanted and now is…
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My weird body

My weird body

Blog, Martin's fat to fit journal
I've always had a weird body, in terms of shape, size and ways of working. It confuses me!. There's weeks where I follow my diet to the letter, watch my alcohol intake, exercise more and make sure it's getting everything it needs to lose weight, then I step on the scales and boom, 1lb or 2lb on. There's other weeks where my diet has went to pot, I've had a hectic social life and been drunk a number of days, abused my body, only had the 1 gym session with no other exercise that week, I step on the scales and boom, 3lb off!! My metabolism has got a lot better since I started attending the gym and my diet is night and day now. I consider what I'm putting…
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The journey to fitness rolls on – Martin’s Fat to Fit Journal

The journey to fitness rolls on – Martin’s Fat to Fit Journal

Blog, Martin's fat to fit journal
Yet another week gone and I am that little bit further into the fat to fit journey, the backpack I'm carrying that little bit lighter, my muscles coping with a little bit more exertion. As sad as it sounds I love my Monday nights, it hurts, it leaves me sweaty and breathless and for the next two or so days its usually only my head that doesn't bring out a groan when I move it, but dya know what, I wouldn't change it for the world. As always my wingman and brother Anthony was there beside me as we worked our way through tonights plan, expertly put together by Kenny. Normally I do 10 minutes on the bike but not tonight, tonight I was on the treadmill for the full…
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My Bodymorph Experience

My Bodymorph Experience

Hi Guys Some of you may already know my story but some of you may not. My name is Martin, until February last year I was a shambles fitness wise, my weight was ballooning out of control, my blood pressure all over the place and I was on a one way ticket to an early grave. The idea of doing any kind of workouts or fitness gave me the absolute fear. I had tried diets in the past but never lasted that long and I was growing more and more unhappy with my body which left me feeling depressed in general. My brother had joined Body Morph three years before hand and had made great progress and was always saying how good it was and how good he felt, I…
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